Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yeah yeah...

I know its been a while. But here's something tasty and delicious.

Okay. Here's my take:

Perfect. We, as the Padres, have to get at least two top tier prospects out of this and a few more to round out the haul. We get to sell high on Gonzo, we get to make our farm system, which is actually decent, into something that could be great. We get at least one player who we can plug in to our team for the next four or five years at a great cost. We hopefully get a few replacement level production years from the other prospects. We get to save on Gonzo's salary. The key here, however, is we have to get a pretty damn good player for the next five years or so. And probably two players. And, because those guys won't be able to equal Adrian, a few bench players. So that sounds fair to me.

Boston gets a player with the #21 OPS. In the MLB. While playing in the most extreme of pitcher's parks. And his BABIP is .243 (career .305). And he's got an affordable contract. And they saved players like Clay Bucholz for deals like this--a reliable middle of the order hitter in his prime. Not Johan after he used his bestest years in Minnesota. Not Halladay. Not inflated Holliday. This is a deal that Boston should throw its resources at because they get a great player. And....they could probably trade for Heath Bell as well. Which would allow them bullpen/pitching flexibility to trade Bucholz.

So everyone wins with a trade for Gonzalez. The only thing I have to add? Boston has to take this guy.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Continued lists

And the list continues!!

6. The New York Mets. Omar Minaya used to run the Expos. Now he runs the Mets? Jesus. One lucky signing--Beltran--and some lucky development (Reyes, Wright) and everything else has been pretty dumb. Pedro signing was not brilliant. Actually, here's my evidence: He just traded Ryan Church for Jeff Francoeur when Atlanta was probably thinking of outright relasing Francoeur.

7. The Kansas City Royals. At least they have the excuse of playing in a small market. But they try to spend money and then they do it stupidly. They have a team that has decent pitching and no offense whatsoever. They haven't developed anyone good except for that Grienke guy and they consistently trade off their valuable pieces for nothing.

8. The Chicago Cubs. Besides their inability to win a championship (really, who cares) they make dumb moves too. Alfonso Soriano? Ted Lilly? And they spend a shit ton of money with very little to show for it. Milton Bradley? Fine, I liked that move when it was made, but it hasn't worked out well.

9. The Seattle Mariners. That Erik Bedard trade was retarded. They're retarded. And they're terrible. And Ichiro is so so so overrated. And Beltre was a terrible signing and he's a huge part of their team. God I'm glad I don't root for them. I think all they've got is King Felix.

10. Cincinatti. Dusty Baker. All I have to say.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cool! List

Okay, so here's the idea. I'm going to make a list of baseball franchises that make me feel good about rooting for the Padres because they're so so stupid. Right? Simple enough? This should be fun.

  1. The Pittsburgh Pirates. I think there's been enough said about them that I can love the fact that I don't root for these fools. Although word on the street is that they're getting better. But still. I mean, Matt Morris. Yeah. They gave something up for that guy.
  2. The Houston Astros. Carlos Lee (fine, but over $100 million? really?) Miguel Tejada (aging overnight and getting caught with steroids)...They only have one pennant in over forty years--which is worse than my Padres.
  3. The San Francisco Giants. They had a Barry Bonds on roids--who was arguably better than Babe Ruth at the time and still did not win a World Series. Ristupidlous. Brian Sabean anyone? Edgar Renteria, BARRY FUCKING ZITO (Which everyone in the world was like, why sign him at all?) Matt Morris (again) Aaron Rowand, Randy Winn? WTF? I mean, at least he drafted Lincecum and Cain. I'll give him that.
  4. The Los Angeles Dodgers. God they're dumb. Ned Colletti is so fucking stupid that he drove my grandmother away from the Dodgers and into the Padres welcoming arms. She lived in Los Angeles for like forty years. Juan Pierre. All I gots to say.
  5. The Chicago White Sox. Boy did they get lucky that one year with all their pitching having like career years. Boy are they really dumb. Boy are is Kenny Williams and Ozzie Guillen really obnoxiously arrogant. Boy do they have job security after that World Series win. They'll continue to make stupid moves for years before they get fired

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pad-squad excellence

Here's my hope:

We trade Heath Bell, Jake Peavy and David Eckstein. And Brian Giles. And Kevin Kouzmanoff. We keep Headly and Gonzo. We trade CY. And our team loses 110 games (which is really impossible at this point in the season. Whatever)

Then we get Bryce Harper!

(He's 16! He's graduated highschool! He's at a community college! He hits .600!)

Right? And then we have salary flexibility! And the new owners will be willing to spend to make us show up at the park!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Roy Halliday, Jake Peavy, Cliff Lee?, Erik Bedard are all on the market....why doesn't a team like the Phillies just trade for all of them? And then...they win, right? Who cares what prospects they have to give up, or whatever. I mean, that's like, what with the core of bats that they have, printing playoff tickets for the next five years and probably a WS title in there. I mean, if they could put Brett Myers back in the bullpen and have those four pitchers and Cole Hamels.....it would be a rotation for the ages.

And I wouldn't have the least problem rooting for them. Since I go to school in Philadelphia.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Selena Roberts......shhhh. No more from you forever after that A-Rod garbage. And especially the Duke Lacrosse garbage.

And shame on SI for publishing her anymore. Even on the internet.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fuck Manny Ramirez

He's being celebrated. And he's a dickhead. And I hope he gets pegged in the head.

Fine. I don't really hope he gets pegged in the head. I don't want to wish that on anyone. But for real real. Fuck that guy and his cheating ways and for some reason everyone accepting him back.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gonzo....and Blanks

So Adrian Gonzalez AND Jake Peavy are hurt. Well, hurt-ish in Gonzo's case. But still.

Do we have anything left?

Yes We Do! Si Se Puede!

Kyle Blanks is playing. And, for the record, his name is Kyle Nathaniel Blanks. And he has an afro. I'm calling him KNB 'fro for the rest of his Padres career (which is until we do with him what we did with X. Nady and Jason Bay).

And I don't care if he cuts the 'fro. Or if he's terrible. I'm still calling him KNB 'fro. Unless another, superior name is suggested.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Life sometimes just doesn't get better, right?

Cool. This just posted on ESPN a half hour ago.

So Peavy's out for at least a month. Great. Also, he hurt his ankle the day after he rejected the White Sox trade. And he was running the bases. Which is ironic because if he'd taken the trade...the DH would have been running the bases for him. Life's too weird, now he has no trade value and no club value. Awesome. We're down to Chris Young being our number one starter...we should trade the shit out of Chris Young. His numbers are no better then Kevin Correia.

Tampa Bay still has hope

Has anyone noticed that Tampa is second in the majors with a +60 run differential? And they're like getting ran in their division? I think they're going to come through. They have the best run differential in their division. And they're in fourth place. I wouldn't start to panic yet, although word on the street is that they are.

Is this THE year?

Anyone? I'm jumping on the Pittsburgh Pirates bandwagon--to finish .500 or better. Well...lets just say they have a shot.

They rank ninth in the NL in OPS+ and eleventh in the NL in ERA+. Neither is gaudy. But they do have a +1 run differential. They're probably missing some pitching and some hitting to be true contenders--they would ideally need like a Beckett or something at the top of their rotation and a slugging outfielder or two...which is ironic because they could have kept McClouth and Bay and picked up a pitcher and they'd be scary good right now. Brandon Moss (.297 OBP .354 SLG) and Jack Wilson (.282 OBP .378 SLG) are black holes at the moment. I mean, seriously. They're like one or two average players away from being seriously competitive in the NL Central. If they could just get like one more league average starter...I mean, seriously.

Lets do it.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

lolz...full circle, right?

To be completely honest, I was totally rooting for him. Too bad again, eh?

Bad enough that he was chosen right after the good Manning...bad enough that he flamed out hardcore. I was really wishing nothing but the best for Ryan Leaf. I mean, he cost the Chargers big time but that happens to first round quarterbacks on occasion. And while he generally seemed like a bad person, I still can't wish ill-will on him. I don't know why. If there's any athlete associated with San Diego that I should hate, it should be Ryan Leaf.

Also: there's a movie. Which is interesting. I wish I was in San Diego so I could go see that. I think watching Ryan Leaf's story would be like watching a car wreck. Bobby Beathard would be the passenger who picked Leaf to be the DD that night (because at a party the week before Leaf didn't drink at all because Leaf was trying to pick up a straight edge chick) and Leaf was drunk, crashed the car (the Chargers), then staggered out of the wreck only to get hit by a truck.

I know that's a tortured analogy. But I like it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Padres Draft

So we drafted Donovan Tate. High school outfielder. I mean...whatever. Here's a story. He's a black outfielder and gets compared to....Mike Cameron and Andruw Jones. Beautiful.

Whatever. I refuse to get worked up about this draft until next year or maybe the year after that. I mean, you can't really tell. I will say that drafting Tate was risky because he wants to play at UNC next year and he wants a few million dollars. Whatever.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

MLB draft.....

Jayson Stark thinks the MLB draft is broken. Sigh. I suppose.

Look. Here's the thing. The draft in the MLB isn't like the draft in the NFL or the NBA. Those guys that get drafted in the MLB don't go straight into the big league lineup. They aren't instantly worth 15 wins. And the draft is a lot about luck. Here. Here. Whatever. (That 2002 draft was ridiculous in terms of major league first round talent).

Also, in the NFL and the NBA teams have much more data on how good the players really are. The MLB doesn't get that. So, its not like even the richest teams can afford to simply throw money at the draft because in all likelihood, they're just wasting it. Which is okay with me. And if the Nationals wish they could trade Strasburg, too bad. I am okay with that because, once again, there's no need to get four draft picks because its not like you can infuse your ML team with talent right now. (Like, the Detroit Lions needed to do).

I mean, which team would ever want to MOVE UP in the MLB draft? I mean, why? What with the history of burnouts, wouldn't teams want to simply move down to the first or second round and horde draft picks in the hopes that one (or a few) turn out to be stars? What team wouldn't do that? Its not like in football where there is limited roster space. Oh and another thing. In the MLB, teams can trade players for CASH CONSIDERATIONS. Which could lead a team like the Pirates to simply sell their top picks and get like third or fourth round picks in return. Do we want that? Really? I sure as shit don't. I really really really don't ever want to see my Padres sell a draft pick. And if I were a Yankees fan, I would feel a little disgusted if my team were able to buy all the best players before they were good and after they were good too and we just won every year.

Look. The whole fun of baseball is watching teams (Other than your team, hopefully) making really stupid money decisions. Its a blast watching the Mariners lose 100 games with a payroll in the billions. Its great to watch the Yankees miss the playoffs. My heart warms when I watch the Tigers and Whitesox play. I mean baseball isn't fair because you guys have more money to sign better players but you're so stupid I guess it is kind of fair. Right? The draft is one more great spot for teams to be stupid. And I like that. Lets leave it alone.

Also, there's no way the Nationals are paying a $50 million signing bonus. No way. Last year's top bonus was like $6 million (Still a lot). That would be a rise by a factor of 8. This is Boras being Boras and he's losing a lot of his luster.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Dude...I just got to say this. Sometimes you win on a trade, sometimes you lose. Sorry Texas:

January 6, 2006: Traded by the Texas Rangers with Terrmel Sledge and Chris Young to the San Diego Padres for Billy Killian (minors), Adam Eaton and Akinori Otsuka.

That would be Adrian Gonzalez, the MLB leader in home runs. While playing at Petco. And yes, that Adam Eaton. I mean, I gotta celebrate what I can, right?

Also, there's been some rumors about trading Gonzo. But...I mean, the guys from San Diego. His brother's on the team. He's preeetttty much a Daygo icon (get it? I'm cool). Oh, and he doesn't get paid very much at all. And he's Mexican in a city that's across the border from...well, Mexico. That should probably be re-worded. Whatevskis. He's not moving.

A number of thoughts....

So the Padres ran their winning streak to ten, then lost two of the next three. Against the Rockies. And then, as of today, they're still .500. With a -30 run differential. Sorry kids, that's not going to hold up. At all. Playoff odds? 9.6. Pittsburgh has a 9.8 playoff odds.

Ten things I think I think are retarded. When it comes to baseball. Peter King knows his shit about football. Sometimes. But I'd like to point out some retarded garbage in this shiznit.

Player Years Pass Yards TD-Int W-L
Dan Marino 1984-86 13,967 122-61 34-14
Drew Brees 2006-08 13,910 88-46 25-23
Peyton Manning 2004-06 13,024 105-39 34-14
Warren Moon 1989-91 13,010 79-48 28-19
Kurt Warner 1999-01 12,612 98-53 35-8
Tom Brady 2005-07 12,445 100-34 38-10
Brett Favre 1994-96 12,194 110-40 33-17
John Elway 1993-95 11,490 67-34 24-24
Jim Kelly 1991-93 10,683 74-54 36-11

So....a few things. Does anyone notice how the last twenty years of the NFL is highly highly highly represented here? As in like every single entry? (Except for, of course, Marino) And that four of those nine are still active? And that its really kind of like 4.5 with Farve (4.7? 4.832? 4.95432323456294?) So...what this table is really saying is that Brees is one of the four or five best quarterbacks in the NFL right now. And how King thinks no one recognizes it. And there was a reason the Chargers didn't keep Brees when they could have: The Chargers had franchise tagged Brees the previous year and didn't want to pay him more money for a one year deal when they had drafted Phillip Rivers a few years prior. But, the point is, if you asked a random dude on the street who the best five quarterbacks in the NFL were right now they would probably say Brady, Manning, Brees, Romo, McNabb? Whatever. Brees is the third to fifth best QB in the league and he gets recognized for it.

I will give in here: If you asked a random dude on the street who the hands-down-best-ever-quarterback-with-a-mole-on-his-face was the random dude would definitely say Drew Brees.

b) God. The ace closer (Austin Wood, pitching in...the Austin regional. Was it fate?) from Texas who pitched 12+ innings of no hit relief, gave up a hit then pitched another inning. Or closed the inning. Whatever. Alright, I guess give the guy some props. He earned the team the win. But as has been mentioned here...what the fuck, Texas coaches? What the shit? 169 pitches? For a young pitcher who is probably going to go pro? I get that you're trying to win and even if Wood doesn't get hurt the odds are against him making the majors anyway...but that's a huge risk for a regional game. And King doesn't mention that stupidity when he could have and should have.

Also, I googled "Wood goes the distance" It didn't come up. It definitely should have. Or, maybe: "Long, hard, successful outing for Wood". Or "Wood puts on a show", "Wood exposed: Coach says kids balls have a lot of action", or "Wood gives me wood" by Woody Paige.

c) Peter King: "Saturday was the third time in two weeks that a shaky play or error by the shortstop played a huge role in a Red Sox loss. Either Jed Lowrie is going to be ready in about 10 minutes, or they'd better trade a real prospect for Omar Vizquel."

I just want to put this here because then I can read it later:

.222 .283 .267 .550

Yeah. That Omar Vizquel. That would be a .267 slugging. And...this is not a small sample size issue. That was in 300 (!) plate appearances. What prospect would you trade for that? His OPS+ was 45!! RC/27 was 2.5!! These are like historically bad numbers. I think the only reason the Red Sox would want him on their team would be if they were beating the Yankees by like ten runs in the eighth inning because then they could put Vizquel at first and put Youkilis on the bench just to be dickheads. Which would be awesome. Maybe they should get Vizquel.
(unrelated I know but the ERA+ of Boston's top five relievers? 198, 350, 395, 198, 162, 114. ricockulous)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Padres....nine in a row baby

So my Padres just won nine in a row. With a suicide squeeze thrown in! Lovely. And Peavy exercised his no-trade rights. I think it was a good thing all around. The Padres don't really have to trade Peavy. There's no real need except payroll which doesn't make a whole lot of sense, really. New ownership is in town. I think Moores might need the money but in the end he'll still be a millionare anyway...what's another five!(right? anyone?)

Plus, for Jake, the ChiSox are quite possibly the most terribly run team in the majors. Ozzie Guillen for fucks sake. Scott Podsednick. For fucks sake. In the AL no less. In a home run park. Good choice. Jake ball needs to go to a hitter ugly park and dominate.

About the streak....pitching pitching pitching!! In nine games (one of which went 16 innings) the Padres allowed a total of 18 runs. 1 shutout, four one run games, two two run games. And only one game over the magical four run barrier that DePo keeps talking about. And that one game was the 16 inning game. That's what the streak was about. Pitching.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Peavy go bye bye?

I mean....meh. There goes an offer for Peavy.

I can't see all the prospects offered but from the two pitchers mentioned, man....I mean, I wish we could get at least like a Matt LaPorta or something.

(Not Matt LaPorta specifically, but someone of his caliber who I could hope and dream on)

I mean, lets trade with the Giants! Everyone should recall the Nathan-Liriano-Bonser deal they did.

I guess what I'm saying is look what Cleveland got for Sabbathia. Look what Baltimore got for Bedard. The Padres really should get something of value for Peavy and "Richards is a sinker-slider kind of guy, with good stuff. I'd project him as a middle-of-the-rotation or bottom-of-the-rotation kind of guy." Not really that good enough.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I'm glad Manny's suspended but really just don't give a shit enough to comment. Yup. He took 'roids. No, I don't really care. Glad he's gone for a bit. Although Verducci had quite the interesting outlook. Really? the Gigantes?

Right....but as you quote in your article...they just gave up 7 runs twice to the Natinals (yar har, me too).

Not exactly a ringing endorsement. Also: SF--last in the NL (by a lot) with .679 (!) TEAM OPS. Last with a .363 slugging. 13 out of 17 in the NL in OBP with .317. -12 run differential.

They == terrible. They are not winning the division. Not not not. I mean, they don't even have any hope of young players developing, really. Lets not get too excited.


The Padres are terrible. I don't get to watch much of them. DePo's suggesting that sample size is Giles' problem and he makes a compelling argument.

Still. I mean while trading Peavy seems to be what everyone thinks is going to happen Giles seems like a better trade for Diego. For four reasons.

1: He still hits (except for this season) for a high average. Meaning he still has "young player's skills" to go with his old player skills of high OBP. So he still actually has some decent value.
2: He's an old veteran. Meaning he really really really doesn't fit in with the Padres at this point.
3: He's expensive--$9 million.
4: He's a hitter, not a pitcher. Pitchers are notoriously hard to project and while Peavy has projectable numbers (9.0 k/9, 1.188 WHIP Career) Giles has a longer track record of above average play. He has some value.

I suppose the trouble with Giles is that he is an outfielder. Do the Yankees, Red Sox, Angels, Dodgers need an outfielder? I mean, its not like Oakland is going to pick up the rest of that 9 mill. So...no, right?

Whatever. He needs to move. And for something better than "A player to be named later"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jesus Christ

I haven't updated in forever. My apologies. Whatever. School and work. School....and work. I think FoxSports.com is where all the idiots go to get their sports news. SI.com is where the passionate fans go. ESPN.com is where the embittered stat heads go. But seriously. FoxSports.com gave me this beauty. Okay. Well. I mean its from the NY Post so...I guess I could cut them some slack. Whatever. We're going to freak out about 3 bad starts from Chien-Ming Wang? I mean...he was never really that good to begin with. He's a sinkerballer...and if he's not down, he's gonna get whacked.

Whatever. Its a terrible article. But the comments! My god! The comments! Nothing but screaming at each other about how the Yankees are going to win a title this year! And how NY needs to find another chinaman (!). Idiots. Idiots. Idiots. Idiots. Idiots. There's a "Girardi watch"? Idiots.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Jerry Crasnick on the Cubbies

I hate the Cubs. Everyone who's an idiot roots for the Cubs. They're turning into the Seattle Mariners of the NL. Big free-agent signings (Alfonso Soriano, Ted Lilly?, Kosuke Fukodome) that aren't really that good and on the wrong side of thirty. When Derek Lee and Aramis Ramirez carry that team.

Anyway. Crasnick wrote this article. And, to be fair, he does a pretty good job discounting the idiocy that the Cubs front office is using to justify Aaron Miles as a platoon at second base.

Here we go:

DeRosa: OPS: .857 Pay: $4.75 million
Miles: OPS: .753 Pay: $1.4 million
Fontenot: OPS: .909 Pay: $405,000.

Miles == not good value compared to the other two. Actually, the DeRosa trade was a good trade because it allowed the Cubbies to shed payroll and add production (hopefully). However, Miles is 32. He had a good year last year. His career OPS is .693. So, he's going to be a $1.4 million backup. I just don't understand this. Seriously. Why do teams sign some veteran player to be a backup? It don't make sense. Why not give the job to some AAA player who has upside or perhaps some veteran who has upside. Why pay for mediocrity instead of mediocrity with the possibility of a pleasant surprise?

Whatever. That's not really the point. The point is, Miles kinda sucks. He's pretty cheap. But he kinda sucks. And then there's this paragraph:

DeRosa's departure leaves second base to switch-hitter Aaron Miles, who has a .316 career average in day games (and a .224 mark in 61 at-bats at Wrigley Field), and lefty bat Mike Fontenot, who's a bundle of offense in a 5-foot-8, 160-pound package.

Yeah. I hate stupid stats. They're so worthless. .316 during the day? .224 in 61 ABs in Wrigley? Who gives a shit? That's what I really wanted to bitch about. None of the other stuff, really. And I wanted to do a little baseball analysis before I had to go do homework.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jose Reyes

I know its been awhile. School and such.

Here's a doozie.

And here's my favorite part:

I had just heard Manuel tell another interviewer that Reyes, 25, was a multifaceted talent who could win a Most Valuable Player award batting third.

Now go read this. Or don't. I'll print it.

20 2003 NY_-N 292 198 39 .274
21 2004 NY_-N 229 170 23 .237
22 2005 NY_-N 733 529 81 .251
23 2006 NY_-N 703 472 109 .289
24 2007 NY_-N 765 517 105 .277
25 2008 NY_-N 763 507 116 .294
Look at the EQA. Yeah. Not MVP. Not when .270 is average. Ever.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nice. I'm apparently racist.

I can no longer resist...I must respond to this as though I were Ken the Tremendous.

Oh and this is my favorite part:

Jason Whitlock brings his edgy and thought-provoking style to FOXSports.com. Columnist for the Kansas City Star, he has won the National Journalism Award for Commentary for "his ability to seamlessly integrate sports and social commentary and to challenge widely held assumptions along the racial divide."

That's his like bio or whatever. Is he edgy because he's black? That's not racist.

"Today's column is not for the simple-minded or sensitive. If you are either, I apologize in advance and respectfully suggest you go read one of the thousand other takes on Alex Rodriguez."

This is the opening paragraph. a) if I don't agree...I'm simple-minded or sensitive. b) you already called me, your reader, nasty names. You can't apologize in advance. c) that's not respectful.

He does, however, have a point on the reading a thousand other takes about Alex Rodriguez. I have, for the most part, been keeping up on the news.

To understand the furor/hysteria regarding Rodriguez testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs, you have to grasp the importance of symbols to any culture, but most especially American culture.

Okay. I'll agree. We do love our symbols. Some of those symbols are people. I would say Obama is pretty much a symbol for hope at this juncture. Lets hope he keeps it that way. I would have said 755 would have been a symbol. Same could be said about .400. Ripken was a symbol. The point, however, I understand. Symbols stand for what we believe is important such as hitting .400 and never missing a game ever. Obama stands for a change from politics as they stand today. Symbols are the tips of the icebergs--they stick out of the water but really, they stand for something much more massive. Like hitting .400. That would be meaningless if it wasn't for the thousands even millions of people who have tried to play baseball.

Cultures do not survive without the vigilant preservation of iconic symbols that stand as proof of a society's righteousness, strength and courage. Because we are the world's melting pot, the maintaining of ethnic/racial symbols occasionally causes major friction and difficult-to-explain double standards.

Yes. I'd agree with that. I will admit that I like Rocco Baldelli simply because I'm half Italian and he's got the most Italian name ever created. Also, he has some serious medical problems and he still can play in the majors. For a team that went to the World Series. But I don't think I've caused any friction by that. Actually...I think the most friction occurs (to me) when blacks or latinos hold up mediocre garbage and rally around them simply because the garbage is black or mexican. Does anyone in the world think it is cool that Obama was voted in partly because he was black and probably didn't lose a single black vote? I didn't vote for Obama. But not because he's black. And I think its criminal that people voted for Obama simply because he was black. That's what causes racial friction. Malcolm X was psychotic. He wasn't a hero. Cesar Chavez fought for the rights of farm workers. Great. I don't think farm workers are strictly mexican. So why is he a mexican hero? Why did that May 1 bullshit occur? Because...I don't appreciate mexicans? And now what? I'm white so apparently I'm stubbornly causing friction because Babe Ruth, Ted Williams and Ty Cobb were great?

Well, throughout our American history there have been four sports that define male machismo — boxing, baseball, football and basketball. As you know, men take machismo very seriously. It is the lone, scientifically proven substitute for having a big Johnson, which explains Napoleon's disease.

Just four? Hockey doesn't get included? And....Napoleon was, well, a general. I think that also might count as a substitute for having a big Johnson when it comes to machismo. You know, killing a bunch of people. Also, weightlifting, MMA, car racing, having a lot of money, driving a nice car, dating a hot woman who might be a slut, winning at video games, vandalism...actually, come to think of it doing anything exceptionally stupidly will probably substitute not having a big Johnson. And, by the way, I'm happy with my Johnson. Also, I don't know why he capitalized johnson. Perhaps he's right. It looks better as Johnson than johnson.


Yup. I was wrong.

Thanks in part to segregation laws, three white men and a mixed-race native American — James J. Jeffries, Babe Ruth, Jim Thorpe and George Mikan — got first crack as symbols of the macho games that matter most in America.

Okay. Here we go. I was born in 1985. I don't know who James J. Jeffries is. At all. And I've heard of Jim Thorpe. I think he was a receiver. I know who George Mikan was. And I do, of course, know who Babe Ruth was. Of them all, Ruth was iconic. Not really anyone else. And what was the point? Yes, America was racist back then. No, America is not segregated today. So...back then, all the stars were white. Well then. Segregation was bad. Okay. Gotcha. Good point.

Jeffries was the first to fall. In an effort to prove the superiority of white men over the American Negro, Jeffries came out of retirement early in the 20th century, lost 100 pounds and took on Jack Johnson in "the fight of the century." Jeffries lost badly and later admitted that even in his prime he would've been no match for Johnson.

I don't know who he was. I don't know who Jack Johnson was (Jack johnson?). And yeah, the early 20th century was very much racist. And I would say that this was more important, racially. And I don't really care, to be honest. The guy came out of retirement and had to lose 100 pounds. I really wouldn't have put any money on him had I been alive at the time.

Jim Brown unseated Thorpe, a native American, as the unquestioned king of football. Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain leaped past Mikan on the hardwood.

So, your argument is that black guys are better than white guys at football and basketball. And I like the "leaped". Its racist because black guys can jump higher than white guys. Nice.

Oh and Jim Brown is far from the unquestioned king of football. Joe Montana. Troy Aikman. Michael Irvin. Barry Sanders. Lawrence Taylor. Brett Favre. Steve Young. Emmit Smith. Jerry Rice. Peyton Manning. Tom Brady. Off the top of my head. And yeah Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain were good....so were Magic and Bird. And Joe Dumars. And...who was that other guy? Uh...Jordan. Yeah. That guy.

Willie Mays and Hank Aaron took good, hard runs at Babe Ruth, but The Great Bambino is still standing. Today he shares the stage with Brown, Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan as the greatest of all-time in the American sports that define who we believe we are.

AHA! That guy. Okay. Muhammad Ali. I'll take it. Once again, we neglect the other sports. Golf? Hockey? Golf: Jack or Tiger. Hockey: Gretzky. So now its either 2 white guys and 4 black guys or 3 white guys and 3 black guys. Lets just cherry pick, shall we? Auto Racing: Earnhardt. Tennis: Sampras or Federer. Swimming: Phelps. Aww jeez. I picked sports where white guys (for some reason) dominate. Man. Those racist people are sure keeping the blacks in their place. I mean, that's what sports are all about, right? Disparaging races.

Babe Ruth is not going anywhere without a massive, nuclear fight. His supporters do not care that he dominated a segregated, inferior brand of Major League Baseball.

Yes we do. Yes we do. God dammit. Should we penalize him for something that was out of his control? Check this out Okay. If you don't know anything about baseball advanced statistics at all, scroll on down to "Advanced Batting Statistics". Now take a look at.....roll them drums.....ADJUSTED FOR ALL TIME. Yeah. We care that he didn't have to face the best black, latino, or asian players. We care that that inflated his numbers. Check out EQA. EVERY SINGLE SEASON ADJUSTED EQA IS HIGHER THAN ALL TIME ADJUSTED EQA. You arrogant dick. Its not about race. Its about the fact that Ruth played so long ago and dominated so greatly. Yet, today, he's in the same sentence as Bonds. I don't know how prolific PEDs were in baseball. I don't know if they even helped. I do know that a) Bonds took them. b) they might have helped. c) THE HOME RUN RECORD WASN'T BROKEN UNTIL STERIODS WERE REALIZED TO BE A PROBLEM. This is not necessarily causality. It might be coincidence. It is certainly suspicious.

That's why steroids matter so much in baseball. They distort our appreciation of Ruth's numbers, particularly his home-run stats, the penis-measuring digits of baseball. Chicks dig the long ball.

I think he just wanted to say penis in a nationally distributed column. For that, I applaud thee. And good point. See above paragraph. Perhaps your not as race blinded as I once hoped.

Are white fans really outraged by guys like Barry Bonds, or do they maybe just feel a little

Wait nope. He's racist. Seriously? Inadequate? Because...black guys have big dicks? Christ man...that's...really racist. And that's a clever sign. Because they're holding up a clever sign they have small penises? If they were Asians, would they have smaller penises? If they were gay, would smaller penises make their partners happier? (I've actually wondered about that. Unhealthy, I believe)

Also, he makes some good points about steroids being ignored in other sports. Yawn. Never heard that before. I care because I like baseball and the numbers are sacred in baseball because baseball has been keeping track of those numbers for over a hundred years. The Cubs haven't won a championship in over a hundred years. The NFL hasn't been around for a hundred years. THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE IS YOUNGER THAN A BASEBALL TEAM. Which means that the numbers in football are still being developed.

Also, let me add that I don't have much of a problem with white sports fans protecting the legacy of their athletic icons. Black people (and other racial groups) do the same thing.

This is really really really stupid. I protect no one's legacy. If they weren't good, then they weren't good. If they were black or yellow or red or whatever race you want to call them and they were good, then their legacy deserves to be protected from cheaters cheapening greatness. Also: its stupid and racist to root for someone just because they are the same race as you.

As a kid, when Magic Johnson and Larry Bird met on the basketball court, I kept my own stats because I was convinced the scorers cheated Magic.

Oh. Right then. I trust you to be unbiased in your opinion of white players. And black players.

Of our three major sports leagues, the least amount of racial diversity among the journalists/broadcasters covering the games is in baseball. As best I can tell, Joe Morgan is the lone, influential, non-white voice in baseball.

Joe Morgan!! Haha!! And isn't he great! I'll give you another non-white influential voice: Dusty Baker!! HAHAHAHAHAHA. These people are idiots and they happen to be black. That does not make me a racist. And if it does, then fuck it. I'm racist as shit. If you're stupid and black and I'm a racist for saying stop being stupid then...fuck it. Lets hang them or whatever we do to those evil other races. Oh, and another reason that there's less minorities (read: black) in JOURNALISM is because of guys like you, who write that the whole world is racist and all whitey does is keep the black man down. Now, an editor sees a black guy and says to himself "Fuck. Now I'm gonna have to deal with some militant racist shit. And every reader in the world is gonna freak out and email me that we're racist for even employing a crazy fuck like this guy." And yeah, that's wrong. But you yourself, sir, are furthering a stereotype.

That's why in the years before Bonds turned to steroids to keep pace with all the "cheaters" we were sold the bogus story that juiced balls powered the home-run explosion.

Yeah, that story was bogus. Also bogus, your claim that Bonds was trying to "keep pace with all the 'cheaters' ". Oh. I see. Barry was a victim? Barry is the poster child for steroids and not because he's black. Its because he was a dick to the media for so long and the media gets to decide who is the poster child. And one more thing. He holds the all time home run record.

That's why ownership and managers never get adequately questioned and vilified for their role as the No. 1 benefactors and blind-eye proponents of steroids.

Owners never get adequately questioned and vilified. Anyone want to ask John Moores about the stadium that was just built in downtown San Diego? He had to sue to get it done for him. Now, he's selling the team. After slashing the payroll to $40 million. Nobody's questioning the intelligence of having a city pay for a venue for a private team. Now you expect the (ahem) media to ask the hard questions of owners? Why don't you get on that? Aren't you part of said media?

That's why Tom Hicks, the owner of the Texas Rangers, would have the audacity to claim that A-Rod owes him an apology.

Tom Hicks signed A-Rod to a $250 million contract. In a time when no one made anywhere near that kind of money. Hicks bought the Rangers for $250 million. The Twins payroll at the time was $15.8 million. A-Rod is still the highest paid player in the game. After almost a decade of revenue growth and salary growth. No one has caught up to him. And A-Rod cheated to get there. I feel like he owes Hicks an apology as well.

That's why Mike Lupica ran me off "The Sports Reporters" because I refused to allow him to put a black face (Bonds') on a drug epidemic that by the 1990s was clearly colorless, pervasive and initially sparked by white athletes trying to keep pace with black athletes.

Right. White guys took steroids to catch up to black guys who were catching up to Ruth (white guys) who didn't play the black guys anyway and beat up on all the other weak white guys. And I think that Bonds was a good choice for steroids for reasons previously mentioned.

I'm not suggesting a colossal, racist conspiracy. I'm saying it's easy for any of us to fall victim to our biases if our thoughts are rarely questioned by people who look, think and experience life different from us.

You really just did. You can't just end with "I'm not suggesting a colossal, racist conspiracy" and have that discount the entire fucking essay above it. Jesus. Get off my computer screen, you arrogant stupid racist cock face. And who the fuck are you? You're life experience is different from mine? Why? You're a writer. What the fuck do you do all day? Look for racist shit when there isn't any? Fair enough. I concede the point.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Alex Rodriguez?!?!

Oh my god! Alex Rodriguez took roids!! My god! How could we not have expected it?

He's committed the greatest crime of anyone ever! How can we possibly move onward from this travesty?!

Is anyone else not all that surprised? I mean, take anyone really really really good at what they do. How exactly did they get there? They um worked really really really hard. Which means they made a decision a long time ago that they would be the best they could possibly be and they would.....do.....whatever....it.....took. Not a startling revelation.

Also, why are we angry and disappointed with Rodriguez? Because he has the biggest contract in sports? Because he was "supposed" to be clean? Since when? I don't care if major league baseball players took steroids back in the nineties or early aughts. I don't care. I'm over it.

I want them to stop because I feel like it will shorten lives that shouldn't be shortened. But I have serious doubts as to the benefits of steroids anyway. Check this out. Baseball is a game of timing and inches. I personally didn't do any statistical analysis but it seems to me that strength and power and speed aren't as good as reflexes, hand eye coordination and discipline. Which steroids can't give you.

Oh and A-Rod is still good.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thank you Boras. Thank you

Oh and then there's this story. Manny rejects the one year deal.

Thank you Boras. Thank you. I really really really really hope you sign Manny with the motherfucking Pittsburgh Pirates or something. Or even San Francisco. Or Texas. Or Kansas City. Or Cincinnati. I don't care. I hope Manny gets the hell out of the NL West and hopefully to some crappy team. Because I can't really see the logic behind this. Manny could be the second highest paid baseball player in the MLB next year, stay in LA, stay in the weak ass NL West, prove he can be a "team player" for a year and lead the Dodgers to the playoffs again. He could then hit the free agent market in better economic times with less stellar options to compete with.


Jeff Francoeur????!!!

Um...didn't anyone see Jeff Francoeur's downfall coming?

There was an article on SI.com about Jeff Francoeur bouncing back this year. Check it out

The guy swings at EVERYTHING. Everything. He has a career batting average of .268 with a career on base percentage of .312. He has 115 walks in his career. That's less than Barry Roidie Bonds had in 2007 when Barry had 132 (In 477 plate appearances!! That's like a walk per game!!).

Basically, Francoeur is like Juan Pierre with more pop. Well...to be fair, a lot more pop. A lot. His OPS is a respectable .746 despite his terrible OBP. However, this means that a few hits don't fall in for Francoeur (like last year) and he has very little value. Now, last year he had his lowest BABIP of his career at .277 which was below what is generally seen as the average of about .300. But his line drive percent was also the lowest of his career (17%) so maybe he's been getting under a lot of balls and maybe he was out of shape and couldn't muscle as many fly balls out of the park as he used to be able to.

The point of all this, however, is to freaking point out that Francoeur is an undisciplined power hitter who can hit for a pretty average average. Yes, he will probably bounce back from last year and since he's still young, perhaps he'll be able to improve even more. But he's got "young" skills and as he grows older, he won't have anything to fall back upon. He'll be worthless. Oh and he doesn't have that much of a track record either, just a season and a half of good baseball. Even if he's in shape, gets a better BABIP this year, hits for more power, he'll still be fucking mediocre. MEDIOCRE. .746 OPS ain't nothing to write home about. Especially for a corner outfielder.

I feel like this should be well-known. Almost common knowledge. Average is useless. Power is okay...but not without anything else. And if a few balls don't bounce Francoeur's way, he has nothing else.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Once again...Manny. Well. Running out of inspiration

Well here's a doozie of a story: Manny gets a one year offer from the Dodgers.

This could quite possibly be the worst possible news for a Padres fan.

The best scenario for San Diego? I see two pretty good, maybe three pretty good possibilities.

a) Manny resigns with Los Angeles for ten years at $25 million per. This would be fantastic. After Juan Pierre, Nomar Garciaparra, Andruw Jones, Grady Little, Joe Torre and all the crap they spent their money on, Manny getting old and drawing a fat fat paycheck would be the icing. They'd be crippled with a contract like that. And he'd logjam their outfield even more. Manny is 36. He saved the Dodgers' season. I was really really hoping this would happen.

b) The San Francisco Giants copy about that same strategy as above. This isn't as great because the Giants don't really have any outfield prospects to block anyway. But still. Aaron Rowand for a bazillion dollars? Renteria for a bazillion dollars? They would be hamstrung by this contract, just like the Dodgers would have been if they had done this. This scenario is a bit better than part a) because the Giants don't have any other players to get them to the playoffs anyway. I mean, beside Lincecum and Cain, who else do they have?

c) Manny leaves the division. I don't have to put up with him pummelling San Diego's pitching.

However, Manny possibly signing with L.A for a year so he can re-hit the free agent market is the worst. The Dodgers get A+++ production from a fantastic player, don't have to deal with his aging bullshit, clearly win the division, and don't crush the hopes of their young players (although they already kind of have). And then they'll get draft picks when he leaves in what will most definitely be a weaker free agent year, sot he picks will be far more valuable.

God dammit. And Ned Colletti is such a freaking moron otherwise. I suppose scenario b) could still happen. I still have hope.

Maybe Billy Beane will sign him. That would make me happy. Cause then he'd be back in the AL and I wouldn't have to deal with this garbage.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bill Simmons

Look. I know no one reads this. But if they do, I have a confession.

I'd never heard of FireJoeMorgan.com until about two weeks ago.

I have since read just about every single post.

On that note, Bill Simmons gets on my nerves a bit. He's very "poppy". He seldom writes anything of real substance. He often makes outlandish claims. He's that guy at the bar who won't shut the fuck up about the fucking Patriots and how great they are and how the whole NFL screwed them for spygate and on and fucking on.

Oh. And this is Bill at his best (worst, obnoxious, etc):

Conrad (Phila.): Sorry about the Dooze. As someone who watched his dog get run over by a car, losing a dog before they're supposed to is tough. Now that that's out of the way, you're an idiot -- Manny Ramirez is perfectly rated. He's just a nut case. That's why nobody wants him; nobody doesn't say he isn't like one of the top 10 hitters in baseball EVER . . .

SportsNation Bill Simmons: But he's not! He is NOT properly rated! Here is a guy who got on base 24 of 36 times in the 2008 postseason and the fans of teams like Anaheim and Texas and San Fran aren't clamoring for their GM's to sign him. It's crazy to me. Everyone seems to think he is a cancer of the highest order... why? Because that's what the Red Sox front office told their media minions. We have NEVER HEARD MANNY'S SIDE EVER. We are hearing one side of the story. It's a smear campaign. How could anyone NOT think this guy would produce for 3 years if you gave him $75 million... in a league that's given AJ Burnett and Barry Zito huge money? I am just flabbergasted by this whole thing. His teams have won everywhere he's gone. Without fail.

Sooo....Manny clearly quit on his team, beat up an old attendant, signed with the most money grubbing agent ever, forced a trade, got his options removed on a contract that he signed, refused to re-sign (so far) with the team that gave up prospects for him after he screwed the sox, and is currently sitting at home, waiting for phone calls from his agent. Who likes money (not a bad thing) more than anything else.

I didn't get the press release from the Red Sox front office. But generally, they do a good job in my opinion. Two WS titles in three years will do that. They didn't outspend the Yanks (they did spend a lot) and they tend to keep the prospects they like. They don't cave in to public pressure (Manny, Varitek) and they make the moves they think are best for the club at the time regardless of media backlash.

Not to mention that Manny really doesn't have a story to tell. I like Manny. I love his stupid hair and his goofy grin and his stupid bathroom breaks in monster. I love it!! He makes baseball so much better to watch. I never know what he's going to do. But he really doesn't have a case in his divorce from the Red Sox. He wanted out, they didn't want to let him go. He did what he had to do to get his way. He acted like a dick. The end.

In fairness, he has a bit of a point about Zito. Burnett? Eh. We'll see. Personally (I know no one else gives a shit) I think he probably got overpaid for a not-that-great season (OPS against .707? Doesn't strike me as shutdown). But still. Manny gets respect. And he acted like a dick.

5 reasons not to follow the Padres in 2009

5. The five highest paid Padres are: Jake Peavy (probably traded sometime soon), David Eckstein, Henry Blanco(?), Chris Young, Kevin Correia. Yikes. Followed by Prior and Chris Burke. Granted, Prior and Burke are getting paid <= to a million per. But of the top five, maybe two are good players, one of whom will be moved this season or next. Gross.

4. Speaking of getting moved....Jake Peavy's imminent trade. I mean, this would be higher, but I'm kind of excited for the prospects San Diego should get back. Perhaps some great ones. I haven't done all my homework, but yeah. Peavy is a great pitcher, arguably top three in MLB. I would rather have him than CC (no weight issues and last season CC was thrown out there by the Brewers who could not have cared less about future injuries) and Haren, definitely Harden, definitely Kazmir. And he's younger than Johan. Brandon Webb is probably the only pitcher I'd rather have on my team. So, the Padres should get a windfall from the Peavy trade. But that doesn't change the fact that the best player on this team will be traded because of a 6.5 million dollar contract. I've got a better way to lose 6.5 million bucks. Don't sign Eckstein and Blanco (7.675 million total) and just get some minor league players.

3. David Eckstein starting in the infield. I'm going to have to hear about how tough and exciting he is all year. I don't care. It will be obnoxious. I don't believe in intangibles and I certainly don't care that he tries hard. I kind of expect that out of my professional atheletes. They should all try hard.

2. The Divorce. Get it? Like The Breakup? There's a metaphor here, I just can't find it. Both of them sucked. But at least I watched the Breakup under the influence. I really don't remember it. I seriously doubt I can drink all season long. Baseball is like eight months long. But, seriously, I feel bad for Mr. Moores and all--I hear divorces suck. But I don't see why he doesn't just sell the team and allow San Diego to move one with their Padres. I like the Chargers. But I bleed for the Padres. I get that he wants to remain involved in baseball for awhile and I get that he likes the team. But its kind of like Hoffman's situation. Its time to go. Unfortunately. Times change. And all Moores can do for the Padres at this point is screw things up more.

1. Hoffman. He's gone. Mr. Padre. Not even offered arbitration. I mean, he had a good bounce back year last year statistically especially his strikeout rate returning to above 9/9 innings for the first time since 2003. His OPS against was also pretty good at .655. He seems to be maintaining a pretty good level of production. And I personally feel like he's earned the right to stay as a Padre until he's overpaid and ineffective. Which he is not yet. Aside from the fact that he's a closer and by definition that means he's overpaid. I suppose the Padres did the smart thing by not resigning him and by not offering him arbitration, they didn't even leave him the option of returning. Sigh. I suppose.


I like it. Quite a bit, actually. Especially because the WARP stats seem a little shady to me. I don't think you can account for wins since winning a baseball game is a team game. You can, however, account for runs. I just read a blogger who detailed how not good VORP is. I didn't agree.

I suppose that VORP is like any other statistic, though. Fall in love too much with it and it becomes the crutch that batting average and RBIs are today. I'm not in love with it, I suppose. I'd rather use it and OPS+ and WARP3 more than batting average, RBI and home runs. That's all.

VORP also proves the point that hitters are far more valuable than even the best pitchers. And that hitters are far more consistent from year in to year out. I know that seems like conventional wisdom, but I mean, look at most baseball teams. "Pitching is important". Yeah. I get it. But it seems to me that if you're trying to build for long term success, hitting is far easier to project. And to get.

On that note, I like what the Padres did with their ballpark. They can inflate the values of pitchers and trade them off for valuable hitting players. Speaking of which, they should trade Chris Young. He had a .29 GB/FB ratio. That's like, extreme fly ball pitcher. Works in Petco, probably work in Oakland but in, say, Texas? Haha. And they always need pitching. And CY is always injured. It would be a great trade, to move him, especially because his value is somewhat high now.

On Billy Beane

I wish he was the GM for the Padres...I wish he was. They're going to sign Adam Dunn. I know they are. And my god, they'll be monsters next year. Monsters. Destroyers. Scary good in a not-very-good division. Texas? Please. Anaheim? they just got a lot weaker. And seattle sucks.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Manny fucking Ramirez

There's a problem with the San Diego Padres right now...we have no money in a buyers market. This is terrible.

I don't think the team was that bad last year, I was just checking out Baseball Prospectus and, yeah, they were underperformed by maybe four wins according to their pythagorean projection.

I know this doesn't seem all that far out, but...Manny fucking Ramirez got the Dodgers in the playoffs. They won the division by two games with the Diamondbacks only two back. Manny's Warp3 over the course of 223(!) plate appearances? 5.6. That's ridiculous. That's like a third of the season. He had a 5.2 warp3 with the freaking Red Sox over two thirds of the season. Albert Pujols had like a 13.5 over the whole season. Soo....a motivated Manny over the whole season was worth more than Albert Pujols. By like 3.3 wins. That's ridiculous, again. Aaaannddd...Warp3 accounts for defense!! Which means that Manny playing an easy left field in Boston for two thirds of the season was worth less wins than Manny playing huge left field in L.A. for a third of a season. Stupid. Very very stupid. He's either going to cash in or some team (goddamn Giants) is going to sign him and get a great hitter for a small contract.

And I know I'm beating a dead horse here. But Brian Giles' Warp3 for the full year was...6.9. Manny, for a third of the season, at no cost to the Dodgers, was worth about a win less. For a third of the season. At no cost. (except for some minor league garbage).

I hate being a Padres fan. I suppose I do go to school in Philly...but I get the feeling that was fluky.

Friday, January 16, 2009


So...we have given up. The padres quit. We signed Eckstein. To play second base. I suppose he's alright there. Whatever. Hoffy's gone, Peavy's sure to get moved eventually. Although it looks like midseason at this point. At least we got Giles. And Wade LeBlanc.

In a terrible division with a glut of free agents on the market where catching even like two of them would have given us the division...the Padres fold. Sorry Moores. This is your fault. Get a divorce in like three years. Not this year.