Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gonzo....and Blanks

So Adrian Gonzalez AND Jake Peavy are hurt. Well, hurt-ish in Gonzo's case. But still.

Do we have anything left?

Yes We Do! Si Se Puede!

Kyle Blanks is playing. And, for the record, his name is Kyle Nathaniel Blanks. And he has an afro. I'm calling him KNB 'fro for the rest of his Padres career (which is until we do with him what we did with X. Nady and Jason Bay).

And I don't care if he cuts the 'fro. Or if he's terrible. I'm still calling him KNB 'fro. Unless another, superior name is suggested.


  1. Kyle Blanks (or KNB 'fro, as you pathetically labelled him0 is a monster. Benches clearing brawl with (a healthy) Chris Young and Kyle Blanks...and let's not mention the scrappy Davey Eckstein (oh yes, his SCRAP++ is off the charts in bench clearing brawls as well) I like our chances.

    Hopefully if Kouz does get traded like the rumors that are going around say, Blanks will get more playing time.

  2. btw...if you're going to mock my picks, then I feel that you should submit your own. So I can return mock you.

  3. Oh and if Kyle Blanks is terrible....can we have a discussion as to whether or not we want to "Fire Blanks"?

  4. I choose not submit nicknames...because most nicknames are dumb, but to humor you, let's see..

    Kyle 'Roid' Blanks
    Big Blanks
    Bubba Blanks
    Shaq Blanks

    see, dumb
