Monday, February 9, 2009

Alex Rodriguez?!?!

Oh my god! Alex Rodriguez took roids!! My god! How could we not have expected it?

He's committed the greatest crime of anyone ever! How can we possibly move onward from this travesty?!

Is anyone else not all that surprised? I mean, take anyone really really really good at what they do. How exactly did they get there? They um worked really really really hard. Which means they made a decision a long time ago that they would be the best they could possibly be and they Not a startling revelation.

Also, why are we angry and disappointed with Rodriguez? Because he has the biggest contract in sports? Because he was "supposed" to be clean? Since when? I don't care if major league baseball players took steroids back in the nineties or early aughts. I don't care. I'm over it.

I want them to stop because I feel like it will shorten lives that shouldn't be shortened. But I have serious doubts as to the benefits of steroids anyway. Check this out. Baseball is a game of timing and inches. I personally didn't do any statistical analysis but it seems to me that strength and power and speed aren't as good as reflexes, hand eye coordination and discipline. Which steroids can't give you.

Oh and A-Rod is still good.

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