Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yeah yeah...

I know its been a while. But here's something tasty and delicious.

Okay. Here's my take:

Perfect. We, as the Padres, have to get at least two top tier prospects out of this and a few more to round out the haul. We get to sell high on Gonzo, we get to make our farm system, which is actually decent, into something that could be great. We get at least one player who we can plug in to our team for the next four or five years at a great cost. We hopefully get a few replacement level production years from the other prospects. We get to save on Gonzo's salary. The key here, however, is we have to get a pretty damn good player for the next five years or so. And probably two players. And, because those guys won't be able to equal Adrian, a few bench players. So that sounds fair to me.

Boston gets a player with the #21 OPS. In the MLB. While playing in the most extreme of pitcher's parks. And his BABIP is .243 (career .305). And he's got an affordable contract. And they saved players like Clay Bucholz for deals like this--a reliable middle of the order hitter in his prime. Not Johan after he used his bestest years in Minnesota. Not Halladay. Not inflated Holliday. This is a deal that Boston should throw its resources at because they get a great player. And....they could probably trade for Heath Bell as well. Which would allow them bullpen/pitching flexibility to trade Bucholz.

So everyone wins with a trade for Gonzalez. The only thing I have to add? Boston has to take this guy.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Continued lists

And the list continues!!

6. The New York Mets. Omar Minaya used to run the Expos. Now he runs the Mets? Jesus. One lucky signing--Beltran--and some lucky development (Reyes, Wright) and everything else has been pretty dumb. Pedro signing was not brilliant. Actually, here's my evidence: He just traded Ryan Church for Jeff Francoeur when Atlanta was probably thinking of outright relasing Francoeur.

7. The Kansas City Royals. At least they have the excuse of playing in a small market. But they try to spend money and then they do it stupidly. They have a team that has decent pitching and no offense whatsoever. They haven't developed anyone good except for that Grienke guy and they consistently trade off their valuable pieces for nothing.

8. The Chicago Cubs. Besides their inability to win a championship (really, who cares) they make dumb moves too. Alfonso Soriano? Ted Lilly? And they spend a shit ton of money with very little to show for it. Milton Bradley? Fine, I liked that move when it was made, but it hasn't worked out well.

9. The Seattle Mariners. That Erik Bedard trade was retarded. They're retarded. And they're terrible. And Ichiro is so so so overrated. And Beltre was a terrible signing and he's a huge part of their team. God I'm glad I don't root for them. I think all they've got is King Felix.

10. Cincinatti. Dusty Baker. All I have to say.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cool! List

Okay, so here's the idea. I'm going to make a list of baseball franchises that make me feel good about rooting for the Padres because they're so so stupid. Right? Simple enough? This should be fun.

  1. The Pittsburgh Pirates. I think there's been enough said about them that I can love the fact that I don't root for these fools. Although word on the street is that they're getting better. But still. I mean, Matt Morris. Yeah. They gave something up for that guy.
  2. The Houston Astros. Carlos Lee (fine, but over $100 million? really?) Miguel Tejada (aging overnight and getting caught with steroids)...They only have one pennant in over forty years--which is worse than my Padres.
  3. The San Francisco Giants. They had a Barry Bonds on roids--who was arguably better than Babe Ruth at the time and still did not win a World Series. Ristupidlous. Brian Sabean anyone? Edgar Renteria, BARRY FUCKING ZITO (Which everyone in the world was like, why sign him at all?) Matt Morris (again) Aaron Rowand, Randy Winn? WTF? I mean, at least he drafted Lincecum and Cain. I'll give him that.
  4. The Los Angeles Dodgers. God they're dumb. Ned Colletti is so fucking stupid that he drove my grandmother away from the Dodgers and into the Padres welcoming arms. She lived in Los Angeles for like forty years. Juan Pierre. All I gots to say.
  5. The Chicago White Sox. Boy did they get lucky that one year with all their pitching having like career years. Boy are they really dumb. Boy are is Kenny Williams and Ozzie Guillen really obnoxiously arrogant. Boy do they have job security after that World Series win. They'll continue to make stupid moves for years before they get fired

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pad-squad excellence

Here's my hope:

We trade Heath Bell, Jake Peavy and David Eckstein. And Brian Giles. And Kevin Kouzmanoff. We keep Headly and Gonzo. We trade CY. And our team loses 110 games (which is really impossible at this point in the season. Whatever)

Then we get Bryce Harper!

(He's 16! He's graduated highschool! He's at a community college! He hits .600!)

Right? And then we have salary flexibility! And the new owners will be willing to spend to make us show up at the park!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Roy Halliday, Jake Peavy, Cliff Lee?, Erik Bedard are all on the market....why doesn't a team like the Phillies just trade for all of them? And then...they win, right? Who cares what prospects they have to give up, or whatever. I mean, that's like, what with the core of bats that they have, printing playoff tickets for the next five years and probably a WS title in there. I mean, if they could put Brett Myers back in the bullpen and have those four pitchers and Cole Hamels.....it would be a rotation for the ages.

And I wouldn't have the least problem rooting for them. Since I go to school in Philadelphia.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Selena Roberts......shhhh. No more from you forever after that A-Rod garbage. And especially the Duke Lacrosse garbage.

And shame on SI for publishing her anymore. Even on the internet.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fuck Manny Ramirez

He's being celebrated. And he's a dickhead. And I hope he gets pegged in the head.

Fine. I don't really hope he gets pegged in the head. I don't want to wish that on anyone. But for real real. Fuck that guy and his cheating ways and for some reason everyone accepting him back.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gonzo....and Blanks

So Adrian Gonzalez AND Jake Peavy are hurt. Well, hurt-ish in Gonzo's case. But still.

Do we have anything left?

Yes We Do! Si Se Puede!

Kyle Blanks is playing. And, for the record, his name is Kyle Nathaniel Blanks. And he has an afro. I'm calling him KNB 'fro for the rest of his Padres career (which is until we do with him what we did with X. Nady and Jason Bay).

And I don't care if he cuts the 'fro. Or if he's terrible. I'm still calling him KNB 'fro. Unless another, superior name is suggested.