Thursday, August 21, 2008


I read a Michael Moore book. It was really terrible, Downsize This. I mean, I just don't get what he was trying to prove. All he did was complain about how people got fired and jobs got outsourced. And it was the Republicans to blame. But Republicans and Democrats are just the same. I think he might have been right about that--the candidates are pretty much the same. And here's the thing, someone is going to be elected, right? Of Obama and McCain, someone will. Its going to be Obama, what with everyone hating George Bush and all. I don't really see the problem with Bush, he's just a president. What I think needs to change is the social attitude that we have that the government should take care of everything we need. Which is the problem I have with Moore's story. I mean, why should the government try to keep businesses in this country? If they don't want to stay, let them go. Why should the government try to keep a minimum wage? If people don't want to work for the wages available, let them not work. Why should the government do anything for me? Has the government ever done anything right? Social security anyone? Even Iraq? The Patriot Act? The Department of Homeland Security? The FBI? The Police? Everything the government does is inefficient. I mean, what if we all had toll roads and carried around guns? No need for government maintenence on the highway and no need for police. We could just have judges. And swat teams. And the military. And the school system. I suppose. What about the cell phone laws here in California? Yes, cell phones are distracting in the car. I understand that. But a) I'm a responsible adult. If I get in an accident on the phone, I have to pay for it. Let me have that responsibility. b) So is eating, smoking, talking to a friend, listening to the radio, billboards, traffic. Should we outlaw those? c) like the police need any more power. They abuse everything and all they do is protect property. Which is fine. But protecting property does not entail whether I should be allowed to talk on my phone.

I think the point I'm trying to make, is that America is great because it was founded on the principle of freedom. Let me be free. Let everyone be free. And let them take responsibility for their actions. There. Someone read this.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Blog Post

So yeah, I found this somehow through someone or something and whatnot. But this is my first blog post. I'm excited. I seriously doubt anyone will read this other than me but if anyone does, I'll not be posting about things that happen in my life as a day to day diary or journal, rather I will be posting about my thoughts on life. And baseball, probably. If I can figure out how to re-log in and garbage.